MDDL is a Christian Discernment and research ministry with its base in Scotland. MDDL exists in order to help equip pastors, churches and individual believers in counter-cult, apologetics and church discernment issues as well as a deeper understanding of our faith through knowledge of its Judaic roots.

Deception amongst believers is getting worse as we near the apostate end time church prophecied in scripture and it is important to maintain a true Biblical Stance in these last days. As a ministry we aim to show the importance of understanding the Biblical Judaic Roots of the Christian faith (Not Rabbinic Judaism) and how much of the confusion and deception in the Church today is due to the rejection of these Roots.

Discernment is not necessarily something that comes purely through Divine inspiration, but through the Study of G-d's Word. Judaism has been forgotten in Bible interpretation today. Defending Christianity through true Biblical understanding of Apologetics is of the utmost importance in these days of great deception. When Hindu Yoga and Buddhist Prayer walks are classed as Christian principles and practices to aspire to, we have to ask: What are we being taught? What are our Pastors and Teachers actually promoting? Is what we are being taught Biblical Christianity or the end time church in Apostasy warned about in Revelation?

This Ministry is dedicated to revealing the truth of Scripture and exposing the teachings of the Cults that are causing abuse in the Church and explaining how these False Doctrines come about due the rejection of the Judaic understanding of the Word. I am referring to Judaism as promoted by God to the people He called His own and moulded into a nation. Not as taught by the Rabbi's of Orthodox Judaism.

M Debono-De-Laurentis (MMin)

A Charter Member of the UMJA (United Messianic Jewish Assembly)

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Rabbi Sha'ul - A Jewish Testimony

Rabbi Sha'ul This is a story, or rather the testimony of a man, a well-known man who has caused, without intending to, a great deal of controversy and dissention. I am talking about the Apostle Paul. This is not the usual kind of story about this man’s life, but it is a story that depicts the importance of understanding this man within his culture and his beliefs before undertaking the task of determining what he meant in his writings.

M Debono-De-Laurentis (MTh, MMin)

How Did Paul Define The Gospel To The Gentiles Without The New Testament?:
A Study Guide

How Did Paul Define the NT In this exciting book we discover a new method to understanding the gospel and an added dynamic to our walk with the Messiah and our teaching ability. This is not a book promoting a works based salvation as salvation only comes by God's grace. However, when we give the gospel message to others we automatically give scriptures and quote stories from the New Testament. But what if we didn't have a New testament to give the gospel from? The first believers never had a NT, all they had was the Law (Torah) and Jewish tradition and interpretations of the Torah to see them through. This book examines some of those issues and guides us into the ability to preach the gospel message in a fresh but at the same time, old and original way. What did gentile believers first hear regarding the gospel without a NT? This book answers that question and many more and includes a personal study section at the back to allow you to find and answer these questions yourself to help reach others and deepen our knowledge of the working of God in the salvation of man through Yeshua. 2 Timothy 2:15 - "Study to Show yourself approved, a workman rightly interpreting the word of truth"

Dr M Debono-De-Laurentis (MTh, DA, MMin)


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